The Omicron Group in recent years has always focused more to merge the production of devices with their installation, maintenance and on-field updating:


A special division was created years ago to repair rectifier modules and control units allowing for annual agreements to continue with network operators and manufacturers of technologies so that they can keep receiving, repairing and returning faulty products of their own manufacturing or by other producers.


A division has been created that operates in all the countries where we are present and it retrofits our energy systems or by other producers updating stations on-site replacing rectifiers and control units to adjust the returns to the energy saving and efficiency required by the market that needs more and more energy while limiting waste and polluting emissions.

This activity has also led to a technology called eco-mode which allows optimal use of the modules and rationalizes the use and wear of the components of power systems in direct current.


In this area we have since developed a service activity that occurs on-site (in shelters, in masonry sites, large and small buildings) to complement the traditional air-conditioning with the forced movement of the ventilation flow with control units and coordination that minimize the use of expensive conditioning and exploit the exchange of air without replacing the cooler, but by creating a system of so-called free-cooling achievable with low costs and without walls and invasive electrical work.


Finally, the self-installation activity has been developed extensively for telecommunication, electrical and service networks in the railway sector with the 14001 certification recently obtained.